The Nature of the Work
By definition, a project working to transform culture operates in all areas of society: in the public, private and non-for-profit sectors; with organizations large and small; and with myriad socioeconomic and identity demographies. Our facilitating and networking efforts connect people within and across those demarcations, enabling the success of discrete projects and strengthening the broad-based, increasingly cohesive and vibrant, trans-global repair movement. has partnered with Patagonia "to help teach regular people how to repair".
The Work
Teaching our youth must include teaching about repair.
The Project is therefore currently focused on bringing repair into K - 12 schools and other educational settings, with an emphasis on developing resources to support integrating teaching about repair across subjects.
Complementing that work, we support local community repair events, advocate for repair at the state and local levels, and, as always, promote repair as a social value whenever and wherever.
We advance repair through articulating the imperative to repair, initiating new projects, gathering and sharing in-kind resources (e.g., volunteer pool, open-source educational materials, information), networking, grant-making, and consulting (e.g., non-profit organizational development).
The Culture of Repair Project supports bringing repair into educational settings locally, nationally and internationally. Additional support is lent closer to home, the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA.