The Repair Association works at the federal and state levels to secure access to repair information, tools and parts by independent repair shops and individuals.
Right to Repair
The Culture of Repair Project is aligned with state, national and international bodies working to promote an awareness of the value of repair, to develop access to repair resources, and to reduce and eliminate obstacles to repair.
Once upon a time the news on Right to Repair could be reported on this brief page and updated only occasionally. The world has changed, thanks to legions of people turning out to insist that common sense prevail.
See below for links to material on Right to Repair basics, along with links to organizations with up-to-the-minute information.
The Basics
iFixit is one of the front-line leaders in the Right to Repair movement. Go HERE for their overview of “R2R”, and HERE for their super high-level summary. Both pages contain links to more in-depth articles about many aspects of the issue.
“Good for the planet. Good for Consumers. Good for Business.”
To Understand the Issue
iFixit advocates vigorously for right Right to Repair in the US and around the world.
Visit their website for a comprehensive yet easy to access outline of what Right to Repair is — what the restrictions to repair are, why we should repair our stuff, and how repair helps people, businesses, and the planet, and what we can do to reclaim our right to repair what we own. Don’t miss the iFixit Blog for Right to Repair and much more.
For up-to-date news and ways to get involved:
“U.S. PIRG is an advocate for the public interest. We speak out for a healthier, safer world in which we’re freer to pursue our own individual well-being and the common good.” U.S. PIRG is on the forefront of pushing for Right To Repair legislation at the local, state and national levels.
SecuRepairs “is an American organization of information (‘cyber’) security professionals who support the right to repair. [Their] members are some of the most respected names in the information security field and include executives, researchers, product managers, entrepreneurs and academics.” The SecuRepairs website offers an outline of the fundamental value of repair to society, culture and the economy, and to the security of information technologies. It is a good source for understanding the issue generally, and particularly from the perspective of information security professionals.
The Repair Association is at the forefront of advancing Right to Repair legislation across the United States.
Advocates in the UK and Europe are likewise advancing Right to Repair policies. The Restart Project is a powerful force, initiating projects on many fronts, including UK and EU right to repair policy. See The Manchester Declaration.
“We are a coalition of European organizations active around the cause of repair. We are based in several European countries and represent community repair groups, social economy actors, self repair and any citizen who would like to advocate for their right to repair.” Right to Repair Europe website.
Need to Complain about Thwarted Repair?
Can't Get Something Repaired and Want to Complain?
Repair.Org is here to help!
"Have you struggled to get repair materials from a manufacturer? Do you have evidence that a company is out of compliance with a Right to Repair law in your state? We're collecting evidence of manufacturers who aren't giving their customers access to parts, tools, and documentation."
"If appropriate, we'll submit your complaint to the Attorney General in your state. But even if the company isn't technically out of compliance, your report will help us keep tabs on where repair regulations need to be stronger."