Repair In the Schools!

"Folks who know how to fix things, getting together to help folks who don't, bringing broken things back to life."



Thank you for your interest in helping develop a Culture of Repair in the schools!



Complete the form below to let me know you’re interested in volunteering in the schools.

It would also be helpful if you could let me know about your skills and interests by completing the “Join the Volunteer Pool” form on THIS page.

(The Volunteer Pool database is made available to local partner organizations involved in encouraging Repair in The East Bay, including Transition Berkeley and Fixit Clinic.)



Year Round in the Schools:

Teachers are developing programs (see here) that need skilled volunteers. Please let me know if you’d be interested in helping. I’ll be in touch with details as opportunities are finalized.


Join The Culture of Repair Project Mailing List here

"If It's Broke,
Fix It!"